When we apply the same function to different columns,
df summarise(Avg_Quantity = mean(Quantity),
Avg_Price = mean(Price))
we can use across()
to produce more concise and less
prone to typos code.
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean))
In its first argument we specify the columns we want to apply the
function to, using the same syntax as select()
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean))
df summarise(across(c(4, 6), mean))
df summarise(across(Quantity:Price, mean))
df summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean))
df summarise(across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), mean))
df summarise(across(starts_with(c("Q", "P")), mean))
df summarise(across(everything(), mean))
And in the second the function we want to apply, that can be written in other ways as well,
df summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x)))
df summarise(across(where(is.numeric), function(x) mean(x)))
which is useful in case the function has optional arguments we want to employ.
df summarise(across(where(is.numeric), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE)))
df summarise(across(where(is.numeric), function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
can be used several times in the same call.
df group_by(Country, `Customer ID`) %>%
summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean),
across(where(is.character), n_distinct),
n = n())
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Country'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
With the .names
argument we can change the output names
from the default {.col}
(which is the name of the input
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean))
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean, .names = "Avg_{.col}"))
It uses the glue
library syntax and it allows for
important modifications.
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean, .names = "avg_{stringr::str_to_lower(.col)}"))
If we are using mutate()
though we need to be careful as
the lack of the .names
argument overwrites the original
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean), .keep = "used")
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), mean, .names = "Avg_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
creates tibbles, so using it in the following
way will add a column with a tibble for every row.
df mutate(Total_Expense = across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), mean), .keep = "used")
The results inside every tibble are the same.
df mutate(Total_Expense = across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), mean), .keep = "used") %>%
select(Total_Expense) %>%
slice(1:2) %>%
::unnest(cols = c(Total_Expense)) tidyr
To not get confused by all the parenthesis, we stress the fact that
is the sole argument of the
/etc. call.
df summarise(
across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ mean(.x, na.rm = TRUE), .names = "avg_{stringr::str_to_lower(.col)}")
Instead of just one function, we can use several if we put them in a list.
<- list(avg = ~ mean(.x),
(avg_std st_dev = ~ sd(.x)))
## $avg
## ~mean(.x)
## $st_dev
## ~sd(.x)
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std))
Take notice of the names of the output columns that stem from the
default .names = {col}_{fn}
for when we use a list of
functions. As before, that can be modified with a glue
syntax and the appropriate strings manipulation functions.
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std, .names = "{col}.{stringr::str_to_title(fn)}"))
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std, .names = "{stringr::str_to_title(fn)}.{col}"))
In case we want to have akin columns close to each other, we have to
split the code in two (or piping another
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ mean(.x), .names = "Avg.{col}"),
across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ sd(.x), .names = "St_dev.{col}"))
When the list is not named,
<- list(~ mean(.x),
(avg_std_2 ~ sd(.x)))
## [[1]]
## ~mean(.x)
## [[2]]
## ~sd(.x)
the default is to differentiate the columns by numbering them.
df summarise(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std_2))
Using a list of functions with mutate()
adds new columns
at the end of the data frame.
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std))
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), avg_std_2))
When we use a function that returns more than one output it’s better
to use reframe()
instead of summarise()
df reframe(across(c(Quantity, Price), range))
And when it is used together with single output functions the result of the latter will be replicated.
<- list(range = ~ range(.x),
(range_iqr iqr = ~ IQR(.x)))
## $range
## ~range(.x)
## $iqr
## ~IQR(.x)
df reframe(across(c(Quantity, Price), range_iqr))
can also evaluates columns just created if they
answer to the selection statement, like the following numeric
, giving undesired results, like its standard deviation
(which is a single number, hence the NA) instead of the number of rows
of the data frame.
df summarise(n = n(),
across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), sd))
There are several solutions to that:
we can move n
after the across()
call, in this
way it will not be evaluated by it
df summarise(across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), sd),
n = n())
we can explicitly exclude n
from the selection if we
care about the order of the output
df summarise(n = n(),
across(c(where(is.numeric), -c(`Customer ID`, n)), sd))
or we can wrap everything in a data frame where n
independent from the columns returned by across()
df summarise(tibble(n = n(),
across(c(where(is.numeric), -`Customer ID`), sd)))
is an across()
function that returns the column that is currently being evaluated.
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ paste(cur_column(), .x)), .keep = "used")
That line of code is equivalent to this one, where we can see that it returns the name of the column, not the values.
df mutate(Quantity = paste("Quantity", Quantity),
Price = paste("Price", Price), .keep = "used")
We can taking advantage of cur_column()
if for example
we want to multiply several numeric columns for a different number
To do so we have to beforehand define a named list with the numbers we want to multiply every column with,
<- list(Quantity = 2,
(mult_list Price = 10))
## $Quantity
## [1] 2
## $Price
## [1] 10
and then in the function argument of across()
we can
access that specific number by subsetting the list with
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x * mult_list[[cur_column()]], .names = "Mult_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
We can also use it to dynamically change the arguments of the function.
<- list(Quantity = 2,
(n_digital Price = 1))
## $Quantity
## [1] 2
## $Price
## [1] 1
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ round(.x, n_digital[[cur_column()]]), .names = "Rounded_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
If the columns selected are many we can access them more concisely
using the selection helper all_of()
df mutate(across(all_of(names(mult_list)), ~ .x * mult_list[[cur_column()]], .names = "Mult_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
df mutate(across(all_of(names(n_digital)), ~ round(.x, n_digital[[cur_column()]]), .names = "Rounded_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
In case the function returns data frames,
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ tibble(Min = min(.x), Max = max(.x)), .names = "MinMax_{.col}"), .keep = "used")
we can use .unpack = TRUE
to expand them.
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ tibble(Min = min(.x), Max = max(.x)), .unpack = TRUE), .keep = "used")
And, as with .names
, we can modify the output from the
default {outer}_{inner}
, where the former refer to the
names of df
and the latter to the names of the data frames
created by the function.
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ tibble(Min = min(.x), Max = max(.x)), .unpack = "{inner}_{outer}"), .keep = "used")
doesn’t work with other columns manipulation
verbs that use the same tidy-select syntax, like select()
and relocate()
df select(across(c(Quantity, Price)))
Error in `select()`:
! Problem while evaluating `across(c(Quantity, Price))`.
Caused by error in `across()`:
! Must only be used inside data-masking verbs like `mutate()`,
`filter()`, and `group_by()`.
Instead of rename()
we can use
in case we want to change the names of
columns. Notice how the two arguments (the selection of columns and the
function to be applied to them) are in a different order compared to
df rename_with(stringr::str_to_lower, c(Quantity, Price))
works though with other rows manipulation verbs
that uses the mutate()
data-masking syntax. Except for
, as that verb doesn’t have a selection of several
columns between its arguments.
With arrange()
it can speed up typing if we are using
columns with similarities to take advantage of.
df arrange(across(starts_with("I"), desc))
df arrange(desc(Invoice), desc(InvoiceDate))
We have no way of individually control the order of the columns though.
df arrange(desc(Invoice), InvoiceDate)
With filter()
we can use across()
facilitate the following code, where we preserve the rows that have a
value greater than 5 in all the columns specified.
df filter(Quantity > 5 &
> 5) Price
df filter(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > 5))
Warning: Using `across()` in `filter()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.8.
â„ą Please use `if_any()` or `if_all()` instead.
Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
But, as the warning suggests, it is better to use
as across()
for filter()
is deprecated.
df filter(if_all(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > 5))
In case we want to preserve rows that have a value greater than 5 in any of the columns selected,
df filter(Quantity > 5 |
> 5) Price
we are obliged to use if_any()
, as across()
is not able to do that.
df filter(if_any(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > 5))
We can also use them to filter for the same interval on several columns, either on all of them at the same time,
df filter(between(Quantity, 10, 20) &
between(Price, 10, 20))
df filter(if_all(c(Quantity, Price), ~ between(.x, 10, 20)))
df filter(if_all(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x >= 10 & .x <= 20))
or just on any of them.
df filter(between(Quantity, 10, 20) |
between(Price, 10, 20))
df filter(if_any(c(Quantity, Price), ~ between(.x, 10, 20)))
df filter(if_any(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x >= 10 & .x <= 20))
By design though they don’t understand cur_column()
if we want to filter each column for a different value
df filter(Quantity > 2 &
> 10) Price
we need to use across()
(thus an &
statement), therefore we can only preserve the rows where both
conditions are TRUE at the same time.
<- list(Quantity = 2,
(fltr Price = 10))
## $Quantity
## [1] 2
## $Price
## [1] 10
df filter(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > fltr[[cur_column()]]))
Warning: Using `across()` in `filter()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.8.
â„ą Please use `if_any()` or `if_all()` instead.
Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
Another example with between()
, where we filter on two
different ranges.
df filter(between(Quantity, 10, 20) &
between(Price, 20, 30))
<- list(Quantity = c(10, 20),
(fltr2 Price = c(20, 30)))
## $Quantity
## [1] 10 20
## $Price
## [1] 20 30
df filter(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ between(.x, fltr2[[cur_column()]][1], fltr2[[cur_column()]][2])))
Warning: Using `across()` in `filter()` was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.8.
â„ą Please use `if_any()` or `if_all()` instead.
Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
and if_any()
can also be used in
or summarise()
calls, as long as we
exploit their property of returning logical vectors.
df mutate(High = case_when(Quantity > 50 & Price > 50 ~ "volume_and_price",
> 50 | Price > 50 ~ "volume_or_price",
Quantity < 50 & Price < 50 ~ "neither"), .keep = "used") Quantity
df mutate(High = case_when(if_all(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > 50) ~ "volume_and_price",
if_any(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x > 50) ~ "volume_or_price",
if_all(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x <= 50) ~ "neither"), .keep = "used")
can be used with group_by()
well, with just the first argument.
df group_by(across(c(Quantity, Price)))
df group_by(across(everything())) %>%
filter(n() > 1)
That worked because across()
returns a data frame, so we
can utilize across()
with every function that takes one,
like count()
df count(across(c(Country, `Customer ID`)))
or distinct()
df distinct(across(c(Country, `Customer ID`)))
But that doesn’t mean that we can’t apply a function as well when it is appropriate.
df distinct(across(c(Country, `Customer ID`), ~ stringr::str_to_lower(.x)))
If the data frame already has logical columns,
df mutate(Boolean_TFT = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), length.out = nrow(df)),
Boolean_TF = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = nrow(df)), .before = "Invoice")
and if_any()
too can be used
without a function.
df mutate(Boolean_TFT = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), length.out = nrow(df)),
Boolean_TF = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = nrow(df)), .before = "Invoice") %>%
df mutate(Boolean_TFT = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), length.out = nrow(df)),
Boolean_TF = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = nrow(df)), .before = "Invoice") %>%
With grouped data frames the grouping columns are never included in the selection, even if they satisfy the selecting condition.
df group_by(`Customer ID`) %>%
summarise(across(where(is.numeric), mean))
We’ve seen previously that cur_column()
accesses the
currently selected column.
lets us access the current group, so it can be
used if we want to modify each row for a value specific to the group it
<- tibble("France" = 2,
(mod_tbl "Italy" = 10,
"Germany" = 5))
## # A tibble: 1 Ă— 3
## France Italy Germany
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2 10 5
df filter(Country %in% c("France", "Italy", "Germany")) %>%
select(Country, Quantity, Price)
df filter(Country %in% c("France", "Italy", "Germany")) %>%
select(Country, Quantity, Price) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x * mod_tbl[[cur_group()$Country]], .names = "Mod_{.col}"))
Compared to before, notice how we needed to define a tibble, and not
a list, for the Country
specific values and also to subset
with the name of the grouping column.
Using cur_column()
and cur_group()
we can also modify each column for a different value depending on the
<- tibble("Column" = c("Quantity", "Price"),
(mod_tbl2 "France" = c(2, 10),
"Italy" = c(10, 5),
"Germany" = c(5, 2)))
## # A tibble: 2 Ă— 4
## Column France Italy Germany
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Quantity 2 10 5
## 2 Price 10 5 2
df filter(Country %in% c("France", "Italy", "Germany")) %>%
select(Country, Quantity, Price) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x * unlist(mod_tbl2[mod_tbl2$Column == cur_column(), cur_group()$Country]), .names = "Mod_{.col}"))
It is important that we reduce the tibble to a vector with
, otherwise across()
would return list
columns of data frames,
df filter(Country %in% c("France", "Italy", "Germany")) %>%
select(Country, Quantity, Price) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x * mod_tbl2[mod_tbl2$Column == cur_column(), cur_group()$Country], .names = "Mod_{.col}"))
that we could unpack, but they don’t present the desired output (for every group, the first row is recycled along its size).
df filter(Country %in% c("France", "Italy", "Germany")) %>%
select(Country, Quantity, Price) %>%
group_by(Country) %>%
mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price), ~ .x * mod_tbl2[mod_tbl2$Column == cur_column(), cur_group()$Country], .names = "Mod_{.col}", .unpack = TRUE))
As we’ve seen before, across()
can be used with the
function argument left empty.
In this way it will just return, with specific verbs, the columns
df reframe(across(c(Quantity, Price)))
df mutate(across(c(Quantity, Price)))
For these tasks though is better to use pick()
it being designed for them, we can list columns without wrapping them in
df reframe(pick(Quantity, Price))
df mutate(pick(Quantity, Price))
Like across()
, pick()
returns a data frame,
so it can be used to feed one into a function.
df group_by(pick(starts_with("c")))
df distinct(pick(2, 3))
df count(pick(1, StockCode))
df slice_min(pick(Quantity, StockCode), n = 4)
And likewise with grouped data frames the grouping column is never included in the selection, even if it satisfies the selecting condition.
df group_by(`Customer ID`) %>%
df count(pick(where(is.numeric)))
doesn’t have any optional arguments.